Universal Reinforcement, a postscript to “Letting Go”


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Universal ReinforcementI do not know how it works for you but for me I receive my messages, especially reinforcement and guidance, from the universe in a number of different ways. As I have shared before at this point in my journey I do not actually “see” or “hear” messages from my guides in the Universe. Rather I “feel” and “sense” energy around me and through me. I also receive messages, especially reinforcements, through snippets of songs, mantras, conversations, emails and numbers presented to me throughout my day. Some people call these “coincidences” I choose to see them as serendipities.

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Let go, and Let God



let GoThe title of this post is a quote attributed to Doreen Virtue. As I reflect upon the last couple of weeks it certainly has been a theme for myself, and a number of others around me. The universe has been quite direct in encouraging me to “just let it flow.”

Part of my morning ritual these days is at the end of meditation to pull a card from a Oracle deck, specially fairy cards from Doreen virtue 🙂 the question I simply ask each day is “what do I need to know or focus on for today?” Each Monday I actually pull three cards and the question is what do I need to know or focus on for the coming week the first card indicates what my focus has been, the second card indicates what I should be focusing on currently, and the third card indicates what the outcome will be based on I. The card that was pulled last Monday was let it go, and shown above.
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The right people always find each other . . .


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????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????As I have shared previously part of my ritual in starting everyday is reading an email from Mike Dooley’s “Notes from the Universe.” As always, I am amazed at the timing of these notes and how they speak to me for where I am in my journey. I think it also speaks to some others I have been in conversations with over the last few weeks. Today’s note said,

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The Power of No!: Part 2



NOI know I had a post about “the power of No” yesterday. As serendipity would have it 🙂 I had a couple of friends and acquaintances reaching out to me and sharing dilemmas they are experiencing in their lives right now. Thus the Universe seemed to saying share the spirit of these conversations.

For much of my career I have been a consultant. Much of my time spent with clients is actually helping them figure out what they need to focus on so that they can optimize success in their businesses, careers and with their own clients. I often say to them “If you don’t say No, you don’t have a strategy.” The thought behind this being if you are saying yes to everything and everyone you have no way to make differential investments in people, opportunities and projects. You have no focus. You have no direction. You are just running from one opportunity and / or crises to the next. You are boat without a rudder being blown where ever the wind and fate chose to take you.

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The Power of No!



power of no

A great post from a very good friend you has been near Herculean in what he has been processing and working through over the last while …


There comes a time in our lives when we need to say No.

Whether it is “No, I am no longer going to tolerate that behavior”, No, I can no longer support you or your lifestyle”, “No, I can no longer live like this or live here” or, the hard one, “No, you are not a real friend”. The word, in its simplest form, has a strong meaning that always allows us to move forward another step or, as in my case, to start moving forward again.

It is hard but it is life. If we don’t do it, or don’t stick to our decision, we will never get to where we are supposed to be and the repeating occurrences in our life will just continue to repeat. I, for one, do not want to live my life repeating past mistakes and ignoring lessons learned. I want Best and I won’t accept anything less than Best!

via No….

Getting Out My head …


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99-times-Albert-Einstein-Quote1This quote hit me hard and the other day when I stumbled upon it. I shared in a post-a week or so ago about a series of insights that had come to me and how many dots had connected for me. Many of those insights revealed just how much I am actually “in my head,” and have been for all my life. Five decades later I am realizing the degree of adultification that was a part of my childhood. The result being I have been very much in my head for much of my life.

Even after nearly 8 years of daily meditation, yoga five or six times a week, numerous spiritual retreats, studying Rieki , studying Kundalini, and even studying with numerous Masters and Hawaiian Kahuna’s  I am literally gob smacked at the realization of how much I am still in my head.

Thus I found this quote beautiful, for even for Einstein had to get out his of head … and when he got “out of his head” he found truth.

Here is to all of us spending less time in our heads, more time in our hearts, more time in the silence and finding more truth.

If Chakras Could Speak …


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If_shakras_could_spreak Some of us have the ability to speak to our chakras and hear what they are saying back to us. Some of us only occasionally hear whispers from our chakras, and even then sometimes we doubt what we hear. I am often in the situation myself. This is a beautiful illustration of how we can be centred in each of our chakras and perhaps hear just a little more loudly, just a little more clearly what our chakras are saying to us.


We sometimes forget that the chakras are the transmitters and conduits of the universe.

They transmit the Universes’ personal and unique messages to each of us.

Waiting for the Wave …


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cathing_the_waveSerendipity, I received this e-mail from Tori Hartman right at the end of my mediation last week when the Dots were connecting. It was for me confirmation of all that I had given in the lessons and insights of My Dots being connected. As Tori says below this was the Universe sending me a “billboard” (see below, I love this sentiment). This is a longer post but I also love the question she asks about what we are doing while we are waiting to catch the next great wave. You cannot be riding the way all the time. This is simply part of the human experience. Mike Dooley reinforces a similar point with his teachings. It is not what we are doing when we are on a spiritual roll of manifestation, i.e. riding the wave that counts. What counts is what you are doing when the waters are calm and you are waiting for the wave. Mike’s point is that the more prepared you are, the better and longer the ride.

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